

Wellbeing Policy

Vengrove is committed to its duty of care for its team members' health and safety, including their wellbeing.

Mental wellbeing is relevant for all, which means every member of the team can play a part in improving wellbeing in the workplace. By addressing mental health issues, businesses can improve the general wellbeing of team members, reduce absenteeism, lower team turnover, increase productivity, and help promote the employment of those who have experienced mental health problems.

Similarly, promoting physical activity and encouraging healthy eating, can help team members manage stress and weight loss, while also improving concentration and alertness. Team members who exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet also report less illness and are more likely to recover more quickly from any illness they do get.

Mental wellbeing

Promoting mental wellbeing by:

• Providing information and raising awareness of mental health issues

• Promoting policies and actions that support mental wellbeing in the workplace

• Equipping team members with the skills to support their own mental health

Physical wellbeing

Encouraging physical health by:

• Promoting physical activity across the business

• Supporting a healthy, balanced diet in the workplace

• Encouraging staff to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day

Data Retention

• Equipping managers with the skills to identify and assist those with mental ill health

• Raising awareness of mental and physical wellbeing across the business

Support for Team Members

Offering support to team members by:

• Creating a culture that supports the wellbeing of all team members

• Offering help, support and guidance to those with a mental health issue

• Assisting those returning to work after a period of mental ill health

Employment for those with Mental Health Issues

Supporting those coming back to work by:

• Making any necessary adjustments to the role/environment

• Establishing agreed recruitment practices

• Retaining and supporting staff who develop mental ill health

Aim of the Policy

• To create a workplace culture that promotes and supports the health and wellbeing of all team members

• To support team members in regular physical exercise

• To encourage team members to make healthy eating choices

Objectives- Mental Wellbeing

To create a supportive workplace culture and to look at factors that may have a negative impact on mental health.

• Deliver non-judgmental advice to any employee experiencing a mental health issue and encourage them to seek professional advice through our company health insurance provider or through their GP

• Ensure team members who have been on long term sickness absence are offered a gradual return to work with support throughout

• Treat all matters relating to team members mental health in strictest confidence and only share information with prior consent

• Vengrove encourages all team members to take part in organised quarterly company social events and to take breaks during the day, in addition to adhoc social events after work

• Vengrove allows flexibility on working patterns

• Set realistic targets and deadlines for team members to prevent long working hours

• Deal with any conflict quickly and ensure the workplace is free from bullying, harassment, racism or discrimination

• Identify workplace stress factors / scenarios and carry out a risk assessment

• Ensure all team members taking part in the recruitment process are aware of the Disability Discrimination Act and show a positive attitude to team members and applicants with mental health issues, including having positive statements in recruitment literature

Objectives- Physical Activity

To raise awareness of the importance of physical activity for managing stress and maintaining mental wellbeing.

• Team members are encouraged to take two hours out of their working week to exercise, in addition to anything they choose to do outside of working hours

• Vengrove is enrolled in the UK’s Cycle scheme, encouraging team members to cycle to work. There is a secure bike storage area and showering facilities at all offices

Objectives- Healthy Eating

To raise awareness of the importance of healthy eating for both physical and mental wellbeing.

• Vengrove supplies a healthy breakfast for those team members who wish to eat breakfast at work

• Team members are not allowed to eat at their desks, so eating lunch, etc doesn’t become ‘grab and eat’ but rather a chance to stop working and have time away from their desk

• Fresh fruit is delivered weekly

Objectives- Reviewing and Monitoring

The CEO and Office Manager will be responsible for reviewing the workplace Wellbeing Policy annually, as well as monitoring its effectiveness. The policy’s effectiveness can be measured through:

• Feedback from team members

• A mental health and wellbeing at work risk assessment

• Team member sickness and turnover levels

• Exit interviews

• Use of counselling services via the company health scheme

• Team member complaints or referrals